Wednesday, 3 August 2011


Editor’s note

Acharya Sankara, the greatest teacher of Vedanta Philosophy,extracted Ved¡nta from the Vedas through solid reasoning. He built the wonderful system, advaitavedanta, and taught it through his commentaries. He unified all the conflicting ideas about Brahman and proved that there is only one ‘Reality’ which is infinite Brahman,the pure Knowledge. Western people can hardly imagine a personality like that of Sankara . We could think, only with wonder and delight, about the devotion of St. Francis of Assisi, the intellect of Abelard, the virile force and freedom of Martin Luther, and the political efficiency of Ignatius Loyola, but none could even imagine that all these united in one person-Acharya Sankara .

Regarding the influence of  Sankara's life and philosophy onMahatma Gandhi, it had been said that like many people all over the world, Gandhi too was an admirer of Sri. Sankara. Acharya Sankara used spirituality for cultural renaissance and unification while Gandhi used spirituality to free the nation from colonial domination. We can see social justice as the objective of both. Among the ten principal Upanishads, on which Acharya Sankara prepared commentaries, Gandhi was very much influenced by Isa-Upanishad itself. The santi- mantra of this Upanishad was included in his evening prayer. This mantra suggests the identity-the advaitabh¡va- of the individual soul with Brahman, the soul to be realized.

Dr. M.Manimohanan


The theory of Sadharanikarana
The theory of generalisation originated in India was adopted by other critics of the world by one name or another. The Indian theorists used the new theory to analyse the mental state of the aesthete at the time of poetic delight. The complete text of the original theory is not extant now. Detailed studies are required to be done on the subject in comparison with similar theories of the world.

Vedas: Case for a Literary Perspect
Dr. H. Poornima Mohan
It has been customary to divide Sanskrit Literature into two parts the Vaidika or Scriptural and the Classical, with the Epics and puranas being regarded as belonging to a transition period and acting as the link between the two. The word Classic is said to mean - of the highest class or rank, especially in literature or art.1 A classic literary work is defined as that which is re-read, while, at the same time, being long or well- established and traditionally accepted. It transcends the constraints of time and space. In other words, a  classic piece of work is one that outlives the author and lends itself to a multitude of interpretations as suits the tastes and sensibilities of the readers.

Tamil Representation of Vedanta
Dr V Vasudevan
Vedanta, the main system of Indian philosophy, though originallyframed in Sanskrit could have its representations in regional languages of India also, unlike the other systems of Indian philosophy. It is due to its aim of uplifting individuals into divine –level and its social relevance. I am here to present how Tamil language is unique in carrying the message of Vedanta, especially of sri Ramanuja's visishtadvaita system. This system, unlike the other two systems of Vedanta, not only enjoys the Tamil versions of Sanskrit texts of Vedanta, but also constitutes an independent systematized Tamil Vedanta, parallel to that of it in Sanskrit.

Upanisadic system of Values in Modern Age
Dr B Chandrika
When we study the Upanishadic passages we will be amazed on seeing how systematically the sages depicted the ways to lead a fruitful and successful life in this earth. For the same, Upanishads to the whole community, shows some way to maintain his Physical, Psychical and moral balance. For the physical body being the outer part that a sadhaka can see, Upanishads teach how to keep his body serene. Certain instances are cited here.

The Concept of Pramana in the Nyayasara of Bhasarvajna
Dr.K.K. Ambikadevi
Bhasarvajna, the renowned Saiva philosopher and logician, was a native of Kashmir who lived in the first part of the tenth centuryA.D. (Vidyabhushana 358) He wrote important texts in both Saiva philosophy and Nyayasastra. His Nyayasara occupies a remarkable position in the history of Indian logic. Nyayasara is regarded as the first prakaranagrantha in Nyaya. 

Narratological Concepts ofAnandavardhana
Narratology means the analysis of narrative. It examines whatnarratives have in common as well as what differentiating one from the other. (Onega and Landa 4) It also aims to characterize the narrative pertinent system presiding over narrative production and processing. Narratology, as a science of narratives, originated and developed in western countries recently as a part of literary criticism. Still one can see that Indian rhetoricians also were aware of some of the Narratological theories.

Kalidasa:Rereading Ecological Perspectives
A modern approach to ecology refers to an investigation of ecosystems where the living organisms and their non-living environments are inseparably interrelated with each other. The ancient Indian thinkers had a definite idea about the relation between man and nature. The intraspecific interaction in the form of interdependencies between animals themselves as well as the interspecific interaction between plants and animals sharing the same habitat, form part of the community ecology. Sanskrit literary sources are not to be treated as merely speculative writings. They are the most valuable ancient records through which we can identify the  roots of human civilization. Kalidasa’s description of nature, both animate or inanimate, come as a part of his artistic design to portray the lives of his heroes and heroines.

Concept of Female Deities in Tantric Cult
Ranjini M.V.
In Indian tradition the Vedic cult and Agama cult have equal importance and authority. The doctrines contained in the agamas or tantras are valid and popular from the time they came into existence as they never discriminate against rich and poor, man
and women, caste and creed etc.

Folk Elements in Madhyamavyayoga
Dr.Sreelatha .S
The earliest Sanskrit dramas that available now are the play sdiscovered and published by Sri. T. Ganapati Sastri in the Trivandrum Sanskrit Series and he attributed their authorship to the great Bhasa.

कालिदासमहाकाव्ययोः मीमांसाप्रभावः 
डा.के.वि.अजित् कुमार्
भारतीयानेकत्वेन भावयितुं तदीयान्तसत्तां चिन्ताः भावनाः च स्वकृत्या प्रदर्शयितुं योग्येषु कविवरेष्व- न्यतमो भवति कालिदासः। इतरभारतीयदर्शनवत् पूर्वमीमांसादर्शनमपि कालिदास महाकाव्ययोः समञ्जसं सम्मिलितं दृश्यते।

भारतीयदर्शनेषु ख्यातिवादाः
डा.एं.एस्.मुरलीधरन् पिल्लै
आत्मख्यातिरसत्ख्यातिरख्यातिः ख्यातिरन्यथा।
तथानिर्वचनीयख्यातिरित्येतत्ख्याति पञ्चकम्।।

श्रीमदभागवतोक्ता अष्टाङ्गयोगविद्या।
डा.एं .वसन्ता
श्रीमद्भागवतस्य मुख्यविषयः तत्वज्ञानमेव। तदवाप्तये सर्वेषां साधनभूतो मार्गो भवति भक्तिः। अत एव श्रीमद्भागवते अष्टाङ्गयोगविद्यायाः चर्चा कृता भवेत्।।
कारकम् - पाणिनीयाग्निपुराणीयवीक्षणयोः तुलनात्मकमध्ययनम्।
जिजि अगस्टिन्।
भारतीयानां पुराणेषु न केवलं ऐतीह्यः प्रतिपादितः अपितु व्याकरणादि विषययाण्यपि तेषु सम्यग्विचारितं दृश्यन्ते। 
उपमा कालिदासस्य
किरण् ए य़ु
कालिदासकवेः उपमाप्रयोगानं महत्वविचारः।
डा.एन्. सुन्दरम्
अनेके सन्ति न्यायाः ये मनुष्याणां मार्गदर्शकाः।

1 comment:

  1. hello narayananji. congratulations. read your post. dr muraleedharan pillai's initials are given as M instead of M. S. please make arrangements for correcting the same.
